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Board of Selectmen Minutes 04/16/2012
Old Lyme Board of Selectmen                             
Monday, 16 April 2012

The Board of Selectmen held a Regular Meeting at 4:00 PM on Monday, 16 April 2012 in the Meeting Hall of the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall. First Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder, Selectwoman Mary Jo Nosal and Selectman Skip Sibley were present.

1. Approval of Minutes – 19 March 2012 and 2 April 2012
Selectman Sibley moved to accept the minutes of 19 March 2012 as amended. Selectwoman Nosal seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.  

Selectman Sibley moved to accept the minutes of 2 April 2012.  Selectwoman Nosal seconded the motion.  Selectman Sibley requested that under New Business (a) he would like this sentence "Further he stated that on that very same evening the Board of Directors of the LYSB had not heard of this idea." to be changed to, "Further he stated that on that very same evening the Board of Directors was hearing about this idea for the first time also."  SO VOTED.

2. Communications – Email from Bob Dunn
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder read an email from Bob Dunn of the Parks and Recreation Commission, regarding the presentation on Organic Field Care on Mar. 21, 2012, with some questions.  First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reported that she had responded to Mr. Dunn.  

Selectman Sibley stated that in the minutes of 2 April 2012 under Old Business (d) first sentence that the date for the Organic Land Care Presentation is stated as April 21.  This should read March 21.  Selectwoman Nosal moved to make this amendment to the minutes.  Selectman Sibley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

Selectman Sibley moved to move the presentation by Randi Frank currently under 5. New Business (a) to 4. Old Business.  Selectwoman Nosal seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

3.  Appointments - NONE

Presentation on Salary Study – Randi Frank, Consultant
Consultant Randi Frank presented the salary study report for non-union positions to the Selectmen. The report included new job descriptions for most non-union positions, as well as a compensation plan that includes grade levels and step plans.  She reviewed the process that was used, and the final recommended practices for implementation. The study included salary comparisons to six other towns considered to be similar to Old Lyme.

a. Annual Town Budget Hearing – 16 April 2012, 7:30 PM Middle School
The Annual Town Budget Hearing will be held this evening.  Finance Board Chairman Andy Russell will summarize the budget for FY 2013.

b. Special Town Meeting on 23 April 2012
A reminder that the following items will be voted on at a Special Town Meeting to be held on 23 April 2012 in the Meeting Hall of the Town Hall at 7:30 PM.
- Amendment to Parking Regulations Ordinance
- Amendment to WPCA Ordinance
- Amendment to Unaccepted Roads Ordinance
- Ordinance for Formation of COG

c. Resolution for support of Central Rail Line
Selectwoman Nosal moved to authorize First Selectwoman Reemsnyder to sign the Resolution for the Central Corridor Rail Coalition and the Palmer Rail Coalition in their effort to accomplish the reinstatement of passenger rail service along the Brattleboro, Vermont to New London, Connecticut rail line.  Selectman Sibley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

a. Presentation on Salary Study – Randi Frank, Consultant
This agenda item was moved to Old Business.

b. Lords Woods – Subordination in favor of CL&P for Easement
This agenda item was tabled until the Selectmen notify Open Space.

c. Town Clerk – Historic Preservation Grant Resolution
Selectwoman Nosal moved to adopt the resolution empowering Bonnie A. Reemsnyder, First Selectwoman of Old Lyme, to execute and deliver in the name and on behalf of the Town a contract with the Connecticut State Library for a Historic Documents Preservation Grant.  Selectman Sibley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

d. Florence Griswold Museum – Resolution for 2012 Neighborhood Assistance Grant
The Board of Selectman conducted a Public Hearing for the 2012 Neighborhood Assistance Grant Program for the Florence Griswold Museum at 3:30 PM this afternoon.  The Hearing was advertised in The Day on 10 April.  First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reported that the Neighborhood Assistance Act is a tax credit program available to businesses through the State of CT.  Corporations are granted a 60% tax credit for donations.  Selectman Sibley moved to authorize Bonnie A. Reemsnyder, First Selectwoman of Old Lyme, to execute the required Neighborhood Assistance Act paperwork on behalf of the Florence Griswold Museum.  Selectwoman Nosal seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

6. Public Comment - NONE

7. Other Business
Selectwoman Nosal requested an update on the STEAP grant for the Boat House at Roger's Lake.  First Selectwoman Reemsnyder stated that the Town will have to put in another application for this STEAP Grant.
Selectwoman Nosal requested an update on the letter from Atty. Quinn regarding switching from Sand/Salt mix to a Salt Brine mix when treating the town roads before and during winter storms.  First Selectwoman Reemsnyder said that she needs to have that conversation with Ed Adanti, Superintendent of Public Works.

The next Board of Selectmen's meeting will be held on Monday, 7 May at 7:30 PM in the Meeting Hall of the Old Lyme Town Hall.
8. Executive Session – NONE     

9. Adjournment
Selectman Sibley moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:28 PM.  Selectwoman Nosal seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary Ellen Garbarino
Recording Secretary

Email from Bob Dunn:

Dear Old Lyme Selectmen,

In the Board of Selectmen (BOS) minutes (04/02/2012) under 4.d. Mr. Sibley was
correct when he stated "that there were one or two letters from Park and Recreation
Commission member Bob Dunn..."
I had hoped that my previous communication (March 21, 2012) would have been
included under

2. Communications at the April 2 BOS meeting to be included in a
public record.
Please read my previous communication at the next Selectmen's meeting. Also for the
record, please respond to the statement and questions.

Dear Old Lyme Selectmen,

I regret that I am unable to attend this evening's presentation because I am in New Jersey. Prior to the
presentation, please disclose to the public any potential conflict of interest involving potential financial
gain of Harrington's Organic Land Care regarding sales of products and/or services to Lyme and Old

I also have three questions following the presentation for the Selectmen.

1. In order to have a "balanced" discussion concerning the science and merits of pesticide vs. nonpesticide
approaches to successfully maintain the athletic fields at Town Woods Park, why wasn't a turf
management scientist from either the University of Connecticut, Rhode Island or Massachusetts invited to
be on the panel of this presentation (travel costs and honorarium also provided)?

2. Will an academic turf management scientist be invited to present their opinions and findings to the
public at a future meeting?

3. If "organic" products and/or services are to be used at Town Woods Park, will the competitive bidding
process be followed by the towns?


Robert W. Dunn, Ph.D.
Old Lyme Parks and Recreation Commissioner